Decoding corona for kids

Kids and their questions about the Pandemic can get overwhelming, so here is  simple guide to what  you can do and say.

▶️What is Covid ?

First ask them what do they know ? (Aapko kya lagta hai.) Then build on their knowledge. Make it creative, like there are germs outside or a monster or bugs and they can’t see us because we are smart and hiding from them

▶️When will this go away ?

Talk to them about the helpers. Show them a video about people who help us. And tell them doctors, nurses, police is helping us stay safe. They are our superheroes. And will kill the bad germs and get us out.

▶️Importance of a routine ?

Now, more than ever. Though a flexible one. But fix a time to eat, play, read. Time with daddy. Also have some constants in your day. Like wake up brush and sit in the balcony. Let your child spend some Alone time in a safe space. 

▶️Fear of Screen time addiction?

Limit that too. Divide it. Between video calls, age appropriate games and videos. Be a little flexible with 20 mins here and there. But let them know you are incharge. 

▶️Tantrums in this lockdown 

There will be many meltdown. The trick is to be curious and not furious. Empathize and ask them, why are they sad. Remember, either give in before the tantrum begins. But if you choose to let them cry and go through it then don’t give up. Like if you think they need the phone, either judge the timing and give it. But if you say No once, let it remain a No. If they cry and then you give in, it’ll be like a new game for them, getting the cue “I can make mumma do anything by crying”

▶️Set an example

Anxiety is contagious, So if you or any other family members are panicking it will rub off. Also if you are glued to the screen all the time, they would want to too.

Understand their fears and simplify it for them. Don’t shoo them away when they ask a question.

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